Writing At Grove Primary School
Our vision for writing at Grove Primary School is for all children to feel confident and enthusiastic about communicating their ideas through writing. The English and writing curriculums are based around high quality texts to ensure pupils are engaged and can explore their imagination through writing.
Click below to see our whole school overview for writing:
Whole School Writing Overview |
Early Writing
Confidence to write begins in EYFS with many opportunities for mark making, storytelling and rich discussions about books. Every week, Reception pupils learn and retell stories as well as creating their own story maps. In Drawing Club sessions, they draw and write about their own characters, settings and create their own imaginative events like Billy Goat’s Gruff on roller skates or the Three Bears turning into jelly!


Becoming Writers
From Reception to Year 3, pupils learn and rehearse a different text in each unit to support their understanding of language and structures. In Year 4 to 6, pupils look at exemplar texts for each unit to build their understanding of a genre and style.
Every year group covers essential writing skills within each unit which support children’s development as writers. These skills include genre/style, sentence types, grammatical rules, spelling and much more.
Using text structures, pupils plan, innovate and create their own writing whilst applying the new skills they have learnt.
Editing and redrafting
At Grove Primary School, we believe that editing and redrafting are essential to the writing process. Pupils regularly reflect upon their writing and work together to make improvements.

Please click the link to access our school policy: Grove Primary English Policy

Celebrating writing
One child per class has their writing published each week on our celebration page on Pobble.com.
Follow the link below to see the children’s fantastic writing:
How to support your child’s writing at home:
- Read, read, read – the more books you read with and to your child the more confidence they will have to write.
- Help with homework – Do their sentences make sense? Is their writing correctly punctuated? Can they add some more detail? Is their handwriting neat and legible?
- Always embrace and support creativity; eager writers may enjoy writing lists, diaries or stories at home.
- Younger children can practise writing their name and forming letters correctly.